Job security

Apply for the 2024 WomHub Africa Innovation Fellowship Program


The WomHub Africa Innovation Fellowship (AIF) is now accepting applications for the 2024 cohort. This program is specifically designed to support African women entrepreneurs in STEM fields who are looking to turn their innovative ideas into successful businesses. It offers a fully funded entrepreneurship boot camp, expert mentorship, financial coaching, and much more. Fellowship Summary: Host: WomHub Africa Category: Training | Fellowships Eligible Countries: Sub-Saharan African countries Reward: Financial Opportunities | Training | Networking & Mentorship Deadline: October 23, 2024 Fellowship Details: Since its inception in 2019, the Africa Innovation Fellowship, in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering, has helped [...]

Apply for the 2024 WomHub Africa Innovation Fellowship Program2024-10-18T16:21:13+00:00

Major Red Flags on CVs You Should Know


Some of us have been sending out applications for our dream job, but do we get called back for the next stage? Some of us have all the required skills for advertised jobs; our cover letter is engaging and highlights our abilities, but do we get the job? It might be our resume. Have some of us thought about this? Hiring managers often spend a lot of time looking through several resumes and finding the perfect candidate for the job. However, some of us candidates, through our resumes make the recruiting process harder for hiring managers. You do not want to [...]

Major Red Flags on CVs You Should Know2023-02-08T08:16:48+00:00

How to handle “awful” Mondays at work


How to Handle Awful Mondays Mondays are often referred to as ‘Miserable Monday’ by a lot of people, other times it’s called ‘Monday blues’. No matter how much you may love your job, sometimes its just a bad day and there sis almost nothing you can do about it. A few months back, I woke up late, my electricity was out so I had to shower with hot water, my clothes were unaproned, so I had to make do with what I had; grab the least rumpled outfit and jump out; hoping for the best but mentally prepared for the worst. [...]

How to handle “awful” Mondays at work2021-08-09T13:13:04+00:00

Surviving Your First Week at Work


Success during week one is about balance; you want to make great first impressions, but you should not put too much pressure on yourself to get everything right. The goal is to learn about your new workplace and feel out your place in that ecosystem.   In the first week: Introduce yourself, relentlessly. Studies have shown that anxiety in new situations can come in part from not feeling confident in how to introduce ourselves. It is a natural feeling — when you are new, you do not necessarily want to call attention to yourself. But in the first days of a [...]

Surviving Your First Week at Work2021-05-24T14:30:20+00:00

Importance of Volunteering for Career Development


As a fresh graduate, undergraduate, or entry-level candidate, grabbing the opportunity to give back to society through volunteering always feels fulfilling. However, beyond the satisfaction gained from impacting lives through unpaid work, volunteering also helps boost your career development. Volunteering simply means giving your time to an organisation (NGO, Public, and Private) for unpaid work. Sharing your time with an organisation is important in getting all the experience and skills needed in a competitive job market and can help you land that dream job and achieve your career goals. IMPORTANCE OF VOLUNTEERING FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT Build New Skills And Refine Existing Skills Many [...]

Importance of Volunteering for Career Development2020-11-26T11:51:26+00:00

Five Things You Should Never Do At Work


Figuring out how to act at work can be tough… And although it can be easy to let your personal life and/or habits spill over into your work life, or lose your cool in difficult situations – approaching things in the wrong way could be affecting your reputation, not to mention your career progression opportunities. To make sure you’re always on your best behaviour, here are five things you should never do at work:   Suck up to your boss Sucking up to your boss for special treatment is a risky game. It’s even riskier if you choose to pursue a [...]

Five Things You Should Never Do At Work2020-11-26T14:30:13+00:00

Setting Goals For Success And How To Deal With Not Reaching Your Goals


Goal setting is very important especially in your career and personal life. It’s important for your goals to be clear, concise and well defined. Instead of just living life on the edge and expecting things to happen for you, goal setting involves patterning your life, creating momentum for how your life should go and gives you intense purpose. It is important to understand what you want to achieve and how you aim to achieve these goals. Goals can range from micro and mini-goals to major goals. They might be things as small as ensuring you read 2 pages of a business [...]

Setting Goals For Success And How To Deal With Not Reaching Your Goals2020-11-26T13:53:10+00:00

Surviving Your First Week At Work


Success during week one is about balance: you want to make great first impressions, but you shouldn’t put too much pressure on yourself to get everything right. The goal is to learn about your new workplace and feel out your place in that ecosystem. In the first week: Introduce yourself, relentlessly. Studies have shown that anxiety in new situations can come in part from not feeling confident in how to introduce ourselves. It’s a natural feeling — when you’re new, you don’t necessarily want to call attention to yourself. But in the first days of a new job, you want your enthusiasm [...]

Surviving Your First Week At Work2020-11-27T12:01:43+00:00
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