
Start Your Own Business With These Tips


Starting your own business or pursuing freelance work can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Here are some steps you can take to get started: Identify your strengths and passions: Start by identifying what you're good at and what you enjoy doing. This will help you determine what kind of business or freelance work you want to pursue. Conduct market research: Once you have an idea of what you want to do, research the market to see if there's a demand for your product or service. Identify your target [...]

Start Your Own Business With These Tips2023-07-19T13:25:44+00:00

The Plague Of Unemployment-Short Story


Akpan! Akpan! Akpan! I turned around in discomfort and squinted to check the time, my aunty has started her usual complaints about my laziness and how all I do is sleep and eat her food. My morning routine usually includes getting her children ready for school, scanning through emails to see if anyone has responded yet, then heading out to the streets to engage in small business deals to at least have some change in my pocket. After that I would hover around, go to offices, some let me enter, some don’t, then drop off my CV.  I left Ikot-Ekpene to Lagos [...]

The Plague Of Unemployment-Short Story2020-11-26T17:05:05+00:00

Getting Defrauded and Unemployment in Nigeria


In Nigeria, there is evidently an unemployment epidemic. What does unemployment denote? Economic issues; the lack of sustainable income leads to poverty, a decline in living standards, spending power and falling into debt. There are also health issues which include tension, low self-esteem, anxiety, stress and strain on the body and depression. Unemployment is extremely agonizing and exhausting. Now, what is the solution to unemployment? Employment right? Pretty easy. You don’t have a job, then go out and get a job. Unfortunately, in Nigeria, it is not so easy especially if you do not know the top-shots or your daddy doesn’t [...]

Getting Defrauded and Unemployment in Nigeria2020-11-27T14:16:26+00:00
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