
Navigating the Job Market: How Skills Outweigh Graduating with a First Class in Career Success


Meet Tunji and Timothy; Tunji is a first-class student with a CGPA of 5.0, and Timothy is a 2nd-class lower student with a CGPA of 3.12. Tunji spends most of his time burying his head in academic work, while Timothy is a social guy and participates in a good number of extracurricular and social activities on campus. He also works in a business Centre owned by his father. Timothy has people skills, knows how to build networks and connect with people, and is good with graphics design and MS Office suites. They both graduate from the university after finishing their academic [...]

Navigating the Job Market: How Skills Outweigh Graduating with a First Class in Career Success2024-12-19T16:06:32+00:00

What You Should Be Doing in Your Twenties


The sooner you learn how to develop yourself professionally, the closer you are to achieving your career goals. There are some professional habits you need to start developing in your twenties as this is a crucial time to build your career. Therefore, creating professional habits early enough will help you achieve your goals and lay a good foundation for your success. You might be wondering, what are professional habits and why is professionalism important? Developing and exhibiting professional habits is the easiest way to show competency in your work and your personal life. Additionally, it helps with your productivity as you [...]

What You Should Be Doing in Your Twenties2024-10-24T16:31:27+00:00

Must Reads if you are Changing Careers


Hi there, Over time, individuals who have switched careers have attested to the Some books can help you strategize and prepare for potential obstacles. Furthermore, transforming your professional life can feel like an overwhelming task, but reading professional books that will set you on the right path will give you a new perspective. When switching careers, what you basically need is an element of inspiration and practical advice to guide you into believing in yourself. Here are 5 must-reads to guide you. THE WORK BY WES MOORE This book details new ways how to create success in new and meaningful ways. [...]

Must Reads if you are Changing Careers2022-03-15T13:44:10+00:00

Career clarity and getting answers to your career questions


Most times, we are often on the lookout for a good job to fulfill our career goals. In as much as this is a great career goal, we should not forget to get enough clarity on our career first. What do I mean by career clarity? As an individual, do you often ask yourself this question, “Am I in the wrong profession?” or do you always feel like something is missing but you can’t place your hands around it? Then you need to go back to the drawing board and get enough clarity on your career. No matter what stage you [...]

Career clarity and getting answers to your career questions2022-02-08T14:08:08+00:00

Imposter Syndrome and how to overcome it


“What am I doing here?” “I’m not worthy of this position” “I’m a total fraud, and sooner or later, everyone’s going to find out.” If you’ve ever felt like an imposter at work, you’re not alone. A 2009 study on imposter syndrome suggested that over 9 to 82 percent of people who report having thoughts along these lines often experience this. Furthermore, some people experience this feeling when they have reached a certain milestone in their life, and they feel undeserving. Early research exploring this phenomenon made it clear that imposter syndrome can affect anyone in any profession, from graduate students [...]

Imposter Syndrome and how to overcome it2022-02-08T14:00:36+00:00

Read these goal setting books for your personal development.


I have always been a self-help book advocate because I have grown immensely since I started reading voraciously for years. Reading changed my life tremendously; some self-help books contain  secrets you cannot find online until you search deep. These books have impacted my life in a major way and that is why I want to share them with you. The most important part of reading is when you put what you have learned into actions; I have listed few books that positively affected by personal development below. GETTING THINGS DONE BY DAVID ALLEN If you value productivity and are constantly looking [...]

Read these goal setting books for your personal development.2021-07-06T16:28:00+00:00

Mental Health and the Pressure for Perfection


Do you ever get tired? Not the type of tired where you had a really long day and you just need to rest, and you will be in top shape the next morning. The type of tired where you are actually drained, and you have started losing interest in the things that once interested you, you are either sleeping too much or sleeping way less, your weight is up and down the place and you generally just don’t feel okay. At some point even looking forward to the next day becomes a chore. You know you are not sick, this isn’t [...]

Mental Health and the Pressure for Perfection2021-06-22T15:57:16+00:00

Professional Habits You Should Develop in Your 20’s


The sooner you learn how to develop yourself professionally, the closer you are to achieving your career goals. There are some professional habits you need to start developing in your twenties as this is a crucial time to build your career. Therefore, creating professional habits early enough will help you achieve your goals and lay a good foundation for your success. You might be wondering, what are professional habits and why is professionalism important? Developing and exhibiting professional habits is the easiest way to show competency in your work and your personal life. Additionally, it helps with your productivity as you [...]

Professional Habits You Should Develop in Your 20’s2021-05-24T15:07:01+00:00

Setting Goals For Success And How To Deal With Not Reaching Your Goals


Goal setting is very important especially in your career and personal life. It’s important for your goals to be clear, concise and well defined. Instead of just living life on the edge and expecting things to happen for you, goal setting involves patterning your life, creating momentum for how your life should go and gives you intense purpose. It is important to understand what you want to achieve and how you aim to achieve these goals. Goals can range from micro and mini-goals to major goals. They might be things as small as ensuring you read 2 pages of a business [...]

Setting Goals For Success And How To Deal With Not Reaching Your Goals2020-11-26T13:53:10+00:00
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